What is the Pullman National Monument Preservation Society?

OUR MISSION: To encourage preservation and authentic restoration of the historic designed landscape of the model Town of Pullman (1880-1907) through legal advocacy and public outreach so that the legislated purposes of the Pullman National Monument are fulfilled for the benefit of present and future generations.

As the National Park Service has reaffirmed: "Stewardship is the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care. National parks are all about authenticity, or preserving and protecting the real things in their original context. Parks are the real deal. It is through stewardship that the National Park Service guarantees the integrity and preservation of park resources. Stewardship of park resources is the responsibility of all NPS employees and goes well beyond the minimum required of the National Park Service in cultural resources laws and policies."

Presidential Proclamation 9233 mandates that "the historic resources" of this cultural landscape be preserved "for the benefit of present and future generations." These resources include but are not limited to the district, sites, buildings, structures, objects, landscape features, archaeological sites, and other remains of the Pullman Palace Car Company and the model town of Pullman dating from its period of significance, 1880-1907.  We are watchdogs. We're here to help ensure that the integrity of Pullman's "historic designed landscape" is  preserved.

"National parks are all about authenticity, or preserving and protecting the real things in their original context. Parks are the real deal. "

Stephanie Toothman, Associate Director of Cultural Resources, NPS